Can you really make your child a genius ?

Capitalising on the innate desire of every parent to give the best education possible to their children, many programs today claim to hold the master-key to making Geniuses.

What makes a Genius or Who is a Genius ? Geniuses are fairly easy to spot, defining exactly what makes one person a genius is a little trickier.

Figuring out how that person became a genius is harder still.

Here are some definitions from the Web :

  1. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality; ” brilliance:unusual mental ability
  2. ace:someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
  3. exceptional creative ability
  4. flair:a natural talent; “he has a flair for mathematics”; “he has agenius for interior decorating”

Geniuses like Mozart, Einstein and Da Vinci have amazed and baffled mankind. Are they simply blessed with divine talents or do they possess some secret knowledge?

To gain an insight into the working of a genius mind, a group of specialists at a University in Japan invited the famous Japanese International Chess player Mr Yoshiharu Habu to conduct an interesting experiment.He is the undisputed champion of Shogi (a complex game which is the Japanese equivalent of chess),and a widely acclaimed genius and a top celebrity in Japan.

In this experiment, the specialists used an electroencephalograph, a special kind of equipment that monitors brainwave activity, which would indicate the part of the brain that is used when performing certain tasks and can be observed on a computer monitor. Usually,  when playing the game of chess, a normal person would think with his left brain using logic to plan his next few moves. But in the case of Mr Habu, the specialists made an amazing discovery that showed other wise.

Mr Habu’s brainwave graph, on the contrary, showed that he had used his right brain most of the time before eventually switching to his left brain just before he made his move. Upon further investigations using the electroencephalograph, the specialists finally determined that Ms Habu had first used the right brain’s cognitive images and spatial orientation to think and plan, and subsequently switched to the left brain for logical linguistic confirmation before making his move on the chess board.

Right Brain Holds the Key

This important discovery led the specialists to carry out further studies and experimentation with a wider selection of gifted individuals, and the results were astounding. It has been shown that, as in Mr Habu’s case, the cognitive process for most gifted persons is in fact right brain oriented. They tend to utilize the right brain’s unique spatial awareness and mental images to think and create, while the normal person uses the left brain to process information in a logical and sequential manner.

Interestingly, Yoshiharu Habu’s remark seemed to concur with the findings, as he said, ” Most chess players’ vision seems to be darting around the chess board while studying the various moves…. but for me, I would just take a glance focusing on the centre of the board, and all the possible moves would just materialize in my head where I plan my advances…. the accuracy is almost 100%.” Amazing indeed, these geniuses simply have the ability to think out of the box by utilizing the vast untapped potential of the right brain to combine with the skills of the left.

In most educational systems, the process of learning through drills, repetition, tests and quizzes depends upon the linear, methodical left brain, which builds memory through logical links and repetition.

Source :

The Powerful Right Brained Children

 The typical right-brainers see a minimal need for rules, are impulsive, question authority and embrace new challenges and ideas. They are highly imaginative and more often than not, they would spin into explosive thoughts that gave rise to revolutionary insights and ideas. As well as imaginative, right-brainers are also creative geniuses and may be naturals at art or music. In addition, being spatial and three-dimensional in their thinking, they prefer drawing and creating, and have a natural ability to hold images in their heads for prolonged periods of time, far surpassing their left or whole-brained counterparts in these areas. For example, many architects can ’see’ in their mind an image of the finished product long before it’s translated into a blueprint. And artists report they can visualize exquisite details of a painting in their mind’s eye before they are transferred to canvas. It is precisely this extraordinary visual memory that, if harnessed, can enable right-brained individuals to succeed and excel in the academic environment.

How to Develop the Right Brain

Mid Brain Activation – the short cut

Research and studies have shown that the right brain, when duly developed, complements and aids learning of the left-brain skills. Greater brainpower can be achieved as a result of integrating the abilities of both hemispheres of the brain that can be applied to academic studies as well as developing creative problem-solving skills.

BFR’s innovative and systematic method of training has been proven to be highly effective in producing remarkable results that are truly attainable. The program is carefully designed to enable its students to acquire the full range of cortical skills that they possess but are often neglected and thus under developed. With the correct method under proper guidance, these faculties can be nurtured and flourish into life-long skills that can be extended to every aspects of life.

Harness the extraordinary potential of the right brain not only aids to lay a strong foundation for learning, ultimately, beyond academic achievements, develops the multiple intelligences that are now essential requisites to excel in the new millennium.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little extra!


Benefits of middle brain activation
•Better school result
•Better memory
•Better concentration & focus
•Improved character
•More creative mind
•Better learning capabilities
•More confidence & mental stability

Extraordinary Abilities & Benefits

Super Photographic Memory              Outstanding Learning Capability

Amazing Imaging Skill                       Elevated Self-Esteem

Exceptional Creativity                        Acute Observation

Increased Concentration                     Speed Reading and Super Listening

Enhanced Intuition                             High Speed Data Processing Skill

BFR’s  Right Brain  learning allows the mind to learn in a whole new way by activating the less utilized right hemisphere and stimulates the visual centers of the brain. Visual stimulation aids traditional learning by developing and sharpening the right brain’s photographic memory, visualization skills, intuition and creativity, creating a complete well-rounded approach where learning becomes an integral part of living, working and growing.

The basic principle behind this method of training is a technique called Midbrain Activation, which allows students to access the middle part of the brain. Normally, one relies more heavily on either their right hemisphere or left hemisphere of the brain. One’s dominant brain type has a significant effect on their study habits and grades.

With Midbrain Activation, the middle part of the brain acts as a ‘bridge’ to allow both the right and left hemispheres to work together, thus increasing the learning capacity of the brain, allowing the student to absorb more information and learn new skills more easily. When the middle brain is activated, the student is able to utilize the qualities from both the right and left hemispheres. It also brings out and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate. These characteristics are especially important in activities where concentration and anticipation are key factors in attaining positive and superior results.

The Importance of the Right Brain Functions : is very well explained by Professor  Makoto Shichida, a world renowned expert in child education and brain development,

In ancient civilizations right brain activity was well developed. The ancient people lacked telephones, radar, cars and other forms of technology. Despite this limitation they could, by the use of higher senses, bridge the limitations of distance. Modern man is predominantly left brained; we use language and sequential learning to acquire knowledge. This is a tedious lengthy process. Left-brain based education clouds right-brain activity and the resultant student frustration contributes to dissatisfaction in the classroom.

Doctors and scientists became aware of the right brain through the emergence of people with ‘Savants’ syndrome. These people had tremendous memorization skills, generally termed photographic memory. Their ability to calculate complex equations was almost instant and correct. In short, they saw the world in terms of images and patterns. This is the domain of the right brain.

Far from being unique, we all possess these abilities. At birth, our right brain is fully activated. Mothers and fathers can communicate with their offspring via telepathy. How often have you seen a tense mother with a screaming baby? As the mother calms down, loves and caresses her child harmony is restored. Up to the age of six years, this ability is present. If not stimulated the ability will diminish and become dormant (dormant not extinct).

 Children learn much faster than we formerly imagined. By nature, they are very in tune with life around them. Children are very spiritual; the advice coming from a young set of lips often shows wisdom beyond their years.

The Blindfold Reading method teaches students to use their natural learning capabilities more effectively and how  to process vast volumes of information with ease. Since the student’s brain is trained to function as a ‘whole,’ their senses become more aware and acute, allowing them to comprehend and know what is presented to them even while they are blindfolded. This heightened sense of awareness leads to higher levels of performance not only in academic studies , but also in sports and the arts, enabling  the student to gain skills that will aid them in their future professions and careers, as well.

Blindfold Reading Technique

Using a simple series of steps: meditation, breathing and imaging; the right brain is progressively activated. Clear imaging powers must be present before the next step is taken. Once children are able to form and hold steady images, they begin to flip rapidly through books.

BFR is one of the child’s natural talents or abilities. This is done by rapidly flipping through the pages of a book. No emphasis is placed on reading the written word. The vibrations coming from the book are perceived and converted into colours and then images. The images can be seen and the content instantly understood. It is like the analogy of the blind man and the elephant. A sighted man can instantly see and know that it is an elephant before him. A blind man must painstakingly feel, smell and sense to reach the same conclusion.

The right brain processes information at high-speed, allowing the words to become images and images to join and become pictures. Resonance is a right brain function, i.e. the ability to communicate information in a universal way. Language of the text thus becomes irrelevant. The colours emanating from the book reflect the level of comprehension. Red through to yellow indicates poor levels of comprehension. The child may not have come across the concept yet and so can’t comprehend it. Green through to purple indicate good comprehension. White light indicates universal understanding i.e. the need for co-operation and friendship in society.

For more information on Midbrain Activation, please visit

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1 Comment

  1. I would like to take franchise and also want to know is there any other technic available for midbrain activation because Lights also use for activation.

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